Monthly Archives: December 2011

Tamegonit Lodge 2012 NOAC Fundraisers

Tamegonit Lodge #147 has started fundraising efforts to offset transportation costs to the 2012 National Order of the Arrow Conference planned for July 30-August 4, 2012 at Michigan State University.  One way you can help is by purchasing the two-piece flap and chevron set pictured below.  The sets are $6 each and are available now at the Heart of America Council Service Center in the Camping Department.  They will also be available during Winter Banquet on January 14 or by contacting Rick Petty.  In addition to the patches, Tamegonit Lodge is also holding a silent auction at Winter Banquet.  There should be lots of great items and you’ll be able to help local arrowmen attend NOAC!  If you haven’t signed up, here’s the link.

Tamegonit Lodge 2012 NOAC Fundraiser