Heart of American Council?

Have you ever hiked the Rim Rock Trail at Camp Naish?  If you didn’t know, it is named for the numerous limestone outcroppings, known as “rimrocks”, found along the trail as described in the 1994 Rimrock Trail Guidebook.  Maybe after completing the hike you stopped in to the trading post for a Choco Taco and picked up a medal and a patch to commemorate your hike.  In the early 1980s, the medal had an arrowhead shaped pendant which was later replaced by the circular pendant.  Examples are shown below.

rim rock trail 1.jpg  RimRockMedal2_Front.JPG

You probably tossed the medal in a drawer, or it is pinned to your shirt in the closet.  Dig it out!  You might not have noticed, but there are some medals mistakenly manufactured with “Heart of American Council”.  Whoops!  Have one of these misprints?  Share a picture of it!

Rim Rock Trail Medals - Copy.jpg


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