Monthly Archives: February 2019

Tamegonit Lodge Section Conclaves

If you haven’t heard, Tamegonit Lodge is hosting the 2019 Order of the Arrow Section C-5B Conclave at Theodore Naish Scout Reservation this spring.   Billed as the Tornado Alley Rally, the Section Conclave will bring together Order of the Arrow members from Iowa, Missouri, Kansas on April 12-14, 2019.  This isn’t the first time Tamegonit Lodge has hosted such an event, though.  Pictured below are the patches from the 1956, 1961, 1978, 1985, and 1991 events hosted by Tamegonit Lodge.

Wait, what’s that 8D, 3-C, NC-3 stuff about?  The section designations have changed several times over the years.  For a great summary of Tamegonit’s Section affiliation check out

1956_8d.jpg    1961_8d.jpg    1978_n3c.jpg




Anniversary Prototypes

What do you think of that gold?!  As Tamegonit Lodge was preparing to celebrate it’s 50th Anniversary in 1989, several prototype flaps were created as options for a commemorative flap.  Based on the regular issue at the time, the border and text colors were changed.  Red, silver, and baby blue were all considered!  The lodge later decided on the flap below.  See these and more at:

Prot Gold.jpg


Heart of American Council?

Have you ever hiked the Rim Rock Trail at Camp Naish?  If you didn’t know, it is named for the numerous limestone outcroppings, known as “rimrocks”, found along the trail as described in the 1994 Rimrock Trail Guidebook.  Maybe after completing the hike you stopped in to the trading post for a Choco Taco and picked up a medal and a patch to commemorate your hike.  In the early 1980s, the medal had an arrowhead shaped pendant which was later replaced by the circular pendant.  Examples are shown below.

rim rock trail 1.jpg  RimRockMedal2_Front.JPG

You probably tossed the medal in a drawer, or it is pinned to your shirt in the closet.  Dig it out!  You might not have noticed, but there are some medals mistakenly manufactured with “Heart of American Council”.  Whoops!  Have one of these misprints?  Share a picture of it!

Rim Rock Trail Medals - Copy.jpg


Tamegonit Neckerchiefs from the 1970s


Pie-shaped issues are intended to be sewn to a neckerchief, much like the arrowhead issues from the Lodge. The lodge-approved directions for assembling a neckerchief are included from the 1970s.  The pie-shaped issues are most frequently found off of a neckerchief.  This could be due to the effort and skill set required to assemble a neckerchief.  However, there were certainly several kind mothers who did accomplish this feat, resulting in a wide range of materials, ribbon color and texture variation.  Given the variety of materials and construction techniques, the assembled neckerchief can resemble a piece of folk art and is a truly unique addition to a collection.NC directions (1).JPG

The traditional style is shown above.  But what about these?

147p1a Mindful of Our High Tradition.jpg Red Neckerchief P1.jpg1977noacneckerchief-1-e1550584769516.jpg

2019 Greater Kansas City Area Trade-O-Ree

2019 Greater Kansas City Area Trade-O-Ree

Boy Scout Memorabilia Show & Swap Meet

April 26th & 27th, 2019

Friday: 5PM—10PM

Saturday: 9AM—2PM


Hillside Christian Church (Gymnasium)

900 NE Vivion Road
Kansas City, MO 6411880camporeestaff.JPG

Admission is FREE!

For more information, visit:  Kansas City Scouting History – Trade-O-Ree